11 research outputs found

    On Run-Time Configuration Engineering

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    De nos jours, les utilisateurs changent le comportement de leur logiciel et l’adaptent à différentes situations et contexts, sans avoir besoin d’aucune modifications du code source ou recompilation du logiciel. En effet, les utilisateurs utilisent le mécanisme de configuration qui offre un ensemble d’options modifiables par les utilisateurs. D’après plusieurs études, des mauvaises valeurs des options de configuration causent des erreurs difficiles à déboguer. Plusieurs compagnies importantes, comme Facebook, Google et Amazon ont rencontré des pannes et erreurs sérieuses à cause de la configuration et qui sont considérées parmi les plus pires pannes dans ces compagnies. En plus, plusieurs études ont trouvé que le mécanisme de configuration augmente la complexité des logiciels et les rend plus difficile à utiliser. Ces problèmes ont un sérieux impact sur plusieurs facteurs de qualité, comme la sécurité, l’exactitude, la disponibilité, la compréhensibilité, la maintenabilité, et la performance des logiciels. Plusieurs études ont été élaborées dans des aspects spécifiques dans l’ingénierie des configurations, dont la majorité se concentrent sur le débogage des défaillances de configuration et les tests de la configuration des logiciels, tandis que peu de recherches traitent les autres aspects de l’ingénierie des configurations de logiciel, comme la création et la maintenance des options de configuration. Par contre, nous pensons que la configuration des logiciels n’a pas seulement un impact sur l’exactitude d’un logiciel, mais peut avoir un impact sur d’autres métriques de qualité comme la compréhensibilité et la maintenabilité. Dans cette thèse, nous faisons d’abord un pas en arrière pour mieux comprendre les activités principales liées du processus de l’ingénierie des configurations, avant d’évaluer l’impact d’un catalogue de bonnes pratiques sur l’exactitude et la performance du processus de la configuration des logiciels. Pour ces raisons, nous avons conduit un ensemble d’études empiriques qualitatives et quantitatives sur des grands projets libres. On a conduit une étude qualitative en premier lieu, dans laquelle nous avons essayé de comprendre le processus de l’ingénierie de configuration, les enjeux et problèmes que les développeurs rencontrent durant ce processus, et qu’est ce que les développeurs et chercheurs proposent pour aider les développeurs à améliorer la qualité de l’ingénierie de la configuration logiciel. En réalisant 14 entrevues semi structurées, un sondage et une revue systématique de littérature, nous avons défini un processus de l’ingénierie de configuration invoquant 9 activités, un ensemble de 22 challenges rencontrés en pratique et 24 recommandations des experts.----------ABSTRACT: Modern software applications allow users to change the behavior of a software application and adapt it to different situations and contexts, without requiring any source code modifications or recompilations. To this end, applications leverage a wide range of mechanisms of software configuration that provide a set of options that can be changed by users. According to several studies, incorrect values of software configuration options cause severe errors that are hard-to-debug. Major companies such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon faced serious outages and failures due to configuration, which are considered as some of the worst outages in these companies. In addition, several studies found that the mechanism of software configuration increases the complexity of a software system and makes it hard to use. Such problems have a serious impact on different quality factors, such as security, correctness, availability, comprehensibility, maintainability, and performance of software systems. Several studies have been conducted on specific aspects of configuration engineering, with most of them focusing on debugging configuration failures and testing software configurations, while only few research efforts focused on other aspects of configuration engineering, such as the creation and maintenance of configuration options. However, we think that software configuration can not only have a negative impact on the correctness of a software system, but also on other quality metrics, such as its comprehensibility and maintainability. In this thesis, we first take a step back to better understand the main activities involved in the process of run-time configuration engineering, before evaluating the impact of a catalog of best practices on the correctness and performance of the configuration engineering process. For these purposes, we conducted several qualitative and quantitative empirical studies on large repositories and open source projects. We first conducted a qualitative study, in which we tried to understand the configuration engineering process, the challenges and problems developers face during this process, and what practitioners and researchers recommend to help developers to improve their software configuration engineering quality. By conducting 14 semi-structured interviews, a large survey, and a systematic literature review, we identified a process of configuration engineering involving 9 activities, a set of 22 challenges faced in practice, and a set of 24 recommendations by experts

    On cross-stack configuration errors

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    What should your run-time configuration framework do to help developers?

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    The users or deployment engineers of a software system can adapt such a system to a wide range of deployment and usage scenarios by changing the value of configuration options, for example by disabling unnecessary features, tweaking performance-related parameters or specifying GUI preferences. However, the literature agrees that the flexibility of such options comes at a price: misconfigured options can lead a software system to crash in the production environment, while even in the absence of such configuration errors, a large number of configuration options makes a software system more complicated to deploy and use. In earlier work, we also found that developers who intend to make their application configurable face 22 challenges that impact their configuration engineering activities, ranging from technical to management-related or even inherent to the domain of configuration engineering. In this paper, we use a prototyping approach to derive and empirically evaluate requirements for tool support able to deal with 13 (primarily technical) configuration engineering challenges. In particular, via a set of interviews with domain experts, we identify four requirements by soliciting feedback on an incrementally evolving prototype. The resulting “Config2Code” prototype, which implements the four requirements, is then empirically evaluated via a user study involving 55 participants that comprises 10 typical configuration engineering tasks, ranging from the creation, comprehension, refactoring, and reviewing of configuration options to the quality assurance of options and debugging of configuration failures. A configuration framework satisfying the four requirements enables developers to perform more accurately and more swiftly in 70% and 60% (respectively) of the configuration engineering tasks than a state-of-the-practice framework not satisfying the requirements. Furthermore, such a framework allows to reduce the time taken for these tasks by up to 94.62%, being slower for only one task